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Horse owner who plan to breed one or more mares should have a working knowledge of heredity and know how to care for breeding animals and foals. The number of mares bred that actually conceive varies from about 40 to 85 percent, with the average running less than 50 percent. Some mares that do conceive fail to produce living foals. This means that, on average, two mares are kept a whole year to produce one foal, and even then, some foals are disappointments from the standpoint of quality.

By careful selection, breeders throughout history have developed various kinds of horses with a wide variety of characteristics to suit many different needs. The Great Horse of the Middle Ages, for example was bred for size and strength to carry a heavily armored knight. The massive horses of such breeds are often called “cold blooded.” The Arabs bred lithe dessert horses that were small and swift. These animal are often referred to as “hot blooded.” Cross-breeding of hot blooded and cold-blooded horses for certain characteristics produced breeds ranging from riding horses to draft horses.The Thoroughbred id considered by many to be high point of elegance and fine selective breeding. Many person mistakenly apply the name Thoroughbred to any purebred horse. But a Thoroughbred is a distinct breed of running horses that traces its ancestry through the male line directly back to three Eastern stallions: the Byerly Turk, the Darley Arabian, and the Godolphin Barb. For convenience the breeds of horses are often divided into three major groups: (1) ponies, (2) heavy, or draft horses, and (3) light horses.

1 . Which of the following is not an example of an Eastern stallion?

(A) Byerly Turk

(B) Darley Arabian

(C) Thoroughbred

(D) Godolphin Barb

2. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Great Horse of the Middle Ages?

(A) Largesize

(B) Swiftness

(C) Strength

(D) “Cold-bloodedness”

3. It can be inferred from the passage that cold-blooded and hot-blooded horses were cross-bres for what reason?

(A) Such cross-breeding was a safer means of reproduction.

(B) Cross-bred horses were preferred by Arabs.

(C)By cross-breeding, horses with desirable mixed characteristic could be produced.

(D) Cross-breeding produced Thoroughbred horses.

4. In line 11. “lithe” most nearly means

(A) graceful

(B) clumsy

(C) massive

(D) bulky

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the major divisions of horse breeds?

(A) Draft horses

(B) Ponies

(C) Foals

(D) Light horses


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Pengertian Netmask dan Bagian-bagian alamat ip

Pengertian Netmask (subnet mask) dan Bagian-bagian alamat ip.  Dalam blog kali ini saya ingin Mengulas tentang Pengertian Netmask (subnet mask) dan bagian-bagian alamat ip semoga ulasan saya bisa bermanfaat. Netmask. netmask biasa dikenal sebagai pengelompokkan pengalamatan atau terkadang di kenal juga sebagai subnet mask yang besarnya sama dengan nomor ip yaitu 32 bit. Menurut Wikipedia Netmask atau subnet mask adalah  i stilah  teknologi informasi  yang mengacu kepada angka  perduaan  ( binary ) 32 bit yang digunakan untuk membedakan ID jaringan ( network ID ) dengan  ID induk , yakni: menunjukkan letak suatu induk, entah berada di  jaringan setempat  atau di jaringan luar. Bagian-Bagian alamat ip. Bagian-bagian alamat ip terdiri dari yaitu: Network ID yaitu bagian-bagian dan ip address yang menunjukkan di jaringan mana komputer tersebut berada. Host ID yaitu menunjukkan workstation,server,router,dan semua host tcp/ip lainnya dalam jaringan tersebut. Network address.  adalah alamat n